Looking For Information on Local Schools in the Area?
Local Schools
We are working on compiling a list of local schools in the area for anyone interested in moving to the area.
Salem Elementary District 111
- Hawthorn Elementary School is home to Kindergarten through 3rd grade
- Franklin Park Middle School is next door and houses 4th through 8th grade
- The district has a total of 940 students
- https://www.salem111.com/
Salem Community High School
- 1200 N Broadway Ave, Salem, IL 62881
- http://www.salemhigh.com/
Selmaville School District #10
- Serves 243 students in the western section of Salem in grades K-8
- https://www.selmaville.com/
Iuka Consolidate Community School District #7
- K-8 School district for 209 students in the Village of Iuka.
- https://www.iukaschool.com/page/district
Kell Grade School
- 70 students in grades Pre-K through 8th in Kell.
- Students attend Salem Community High School
- https://www.kellgradeschool.com/
Raccoon Grade School
- 219 students in grades Pre-K through 8th in Centralia and attend Centralia or Salem High School depending on location.
Odin Public School District #722
- One elementary school and one high school for 236 students in Odin.
- https://www.odinpublicschools.org/
Sandoval Elementary
- 859 W Missouri Ave, Sandoval, IL 62882
- https://www.sandoval501.org/page/elementary-school
Sandoval High School
- 859 W Missouri Ave, Sandoval, IL 62882
- https://www.sandoval501.org/page/jr-sr-high-school
Patoka Community School
- 1220 Kinoka Rd, Patoka, IL 62875
- https://pcusd100.sharpschool.net/
Centralia School District #135
- Two elementary schools (Pre-K-3), a middle school (4th and 5th grades) and a junior high (6th through 8th grades) have a combined attendance of 1148 students
- https://ccs135.com/
Centralia High School District 200
- 864 students from Centralia Central City, Walnut Hill and 10 other feeder schools attend the high school
- https://www.centraliahs.org/
Central City Elementary School District
- Pre-K through 8th grade with 349 students in the Village of Central City
- https://www.ccs133.com/Page/9
North WAMAC Grade School
- 112 students in grades K-8 in Centralia.
- https://northwamac.com/
Mount Vernon School District 80
- Includes Hall Early Childhood Center, Osborne Primary Center (K-3rd grade), Buford Intermediate School, and Casey Middle School (6th-8th grade)
- https://sites.google.com/mtv80.org/public/
Mount Vernon Township High School
- Has a main campus and an East Campus for students who have trouble being successful in a traditional high school setting.
- Approximately 1200 students attend
- https://www.mvths.org/
Woodlawn Unit School District #209
- Students from Woodlawn attend the Pre-K-8 Elementary School then go to the High School
- The elementary school has 314 students and the high school has 179 students
- https://www.woodlawnschools.org/
Carlyle Community Unit School District #1
- Serves students from Carlyle, Huey, and Hoffman in grades Pre-K through 12th
- All three schools are located on one super campus
- https://www.carlyle.k12.il.us/
Damiansville Elementary District #62
- Home to 100 students in grades K-8 with a Pre-K “At-risk” program available for those who need extra help getting ready for Kindergarten
- https://dville62.com/
South Central School District #401
- One elementary school (Pre-K through 5th) and middle school in Kinmundy (6th-8th), and a high school located in Farina with 635 students in Fayette County
- https://southcentralil.sites.thrillshare.com/